crew on a fishing boat back in Seattle

How did I got my work permit?

Before I was born my parents decided to emigrate from the then communist Czechoslovakia on their vacation trip to Turkey. They spent two months in a refugee camp there, then found refuge in a church, slept on a train station until by some miracle they managed to get to Trieste between communist Yugoslavia and democratic Italy. Then another miracle followed; they managed to cross the border. Their journey continued to Rome, where they got married. They managed to do that with almost no money, without the knowledge of local languages, and with the help of people they didn’t know. After that with the help of an immigration agency they flew all the way to California, where I was born.  Thanks to this I have the American citizenship.

How did I got the job?

I had no future, very little money and weak self-confidence. I needed a solution! I used the last money I had to buy a flight to Seattle and I had three weeks to get the job.
Long story short: It was tough – I almost lost all my money trying to get it, but it all worked out. On board I grew balls, and I made enough money to loose them all again by making this website – so you don’t lose yours trying to get it.

Why I think you can do it on your own?

  • More than half of our crew was foreign – they they all found a way.
  • If you don’t know anyone over there, it’s OK. You will make new friends!
  • You might say: “There is no guarantee that I will get a job!” Well, I did not have a job waiting for me on my arrival to Seattle and I had no one to help me but, after three weeks of intense effort many doors of opportunity opened. “Fortune favours the brave“.
  • The USA are going through recession” and such excuses. If you let other people discourage you from reaching your goals (e.g. media, family and pretty much the majority) you will regret it on your deathbed. You only have one life.